
Demons have caught many in their trap, but there is freedom with Jesus.

Many are living with consistent sexual thoughts in their minds. These are demons who have caught people in their trap.

These 2 things will help those who struggle with this.

1. Jesus knows your thoughts

Jesus knows you are trying to get free. Therefore, pray out Psalm 31:4 and notice two things from this verse.

One, the writer is asking for freedom. And two, the writer believes in the Deliverer by stating "You are my refuge."

Psalm 31:4 says:

"Keep me free from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge."

2. Jesus knows how to free you

Psalm 37:40 says "The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him."

As sexual thoughts pop into your mind, believe that Jesus will help you and deliver you. Just knowing Jesus can do it is not enough. Believe! Jesus always honors faith.

The Holy Spirit says:

"My people, it hurts me knowing the pain you are going through with this. But do not be alarmed or afraid. I am with you and I will heal you.

But you must surrender to Me and listen to Me. Listen to My voice and do as I command. Healing is coming. Freedom is coming, for I set the captives free."

~Travis Coffey~

Travis Coffey - Spiritual Articles
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