
We are in the last days, so how does that impact your money? How you spend or how you save.

We are in the last days, so how does that impact your money? How you spend or how you save.

Are you saving money for a house, retirement, a future expense?

If we are truly in the last days, it may be a good idea to spend or save our money the way Jesus would like us to.

Because you cannot take money with you during the rapture.

The Holy Spirit says:

"My people, I need each of you to come to Me individually and ask about your finances.

I do not want you hoarding money, for those who have it, because a time is coming when I will want you to spend.

Come to Me about how I want you to spend it for your money will not last forever, but the impacts of what money can do, may.

Now, come to Me and I will show you what to do."

~Travis Coffey~

Travis Coffey - Spiritual Articles
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