
Many Christians are discouraged today because they do not know why they are important.

Many Christians are discouraged today because they do not know why they are important. They hear that Jesus loves them, but it does not feel enough.

Often times, it is because of lack of purpose.

Many Christians forget a main task in their life - to push back against the enemy!

Jesus said we have full authority over the enemy and even the gates of Hell cannot prevail against us. So, it is time to rise up and go to war for this is a part of God's plan for us.

The Holy Spirit says:

"My people, many of you are hopeless and it makes Me sad knowing you feel that way.

There is so much more to life and you know that, but you don't know how to get where your spirit wants to go.So first, come and seek Me and rely totally on Me.

Listen to My voice! Listen!

For I am always speaking. If you cannot hear, then continue to seek Me for there will come a time when it will "click" for you and you will hear my voice and my Words. For some of you, I have to develop your confidence in hearing My voice.

Now, listen.

Do not feel downcast for that is not My Will for you. Listen as I am giving you specific instructions.

I want you to declare war on the enemy in your life. Push him back. Stomp on his throat. Make him pay for what he has done to you.

I have given you authority, so use your authority for good. Get the devil off of you, so you can more clearly hear Me and do what I want you to do.Speak against the enemy. Pray that he will fail in his plans against you and speak forth what I believe about you and what I am going to do for you. This is found in My Word!

Now, like I said earlier - first, come and seek Me. Sit with Me at My feet.

Listen to the Words I am speaking to you for it's true, I am speaking and I am not silent towards you. Are parents silent towards their small children? No. So I too, am not silent towards you My beloved.

Now, come to Me for I am waiting for you."

Travis Coffey - Spiritual Articles
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