
There are many unsettling issues today, but Jesus is reminding us to be still.

Today, The Lord is saying, "Be still".

There are many unsettling issues today.

Recently, the United States visited Taiwan against China's orders and China may retaliate.

The war between Russia and Ukraine is still occurring, as well as rumors about other countries joining the fight.

In addition, inflation has hit many countries and only looks to get worse.

But in this time, Jesus is reminding us to be still and know that He is Lord.

The Holy Spirit says:

"Listen My people, for it is a time of unsettling across the world.

Do not fear, for this is the time to come to Me and learn from Me.

I want to speak to you for I have things for you to do.

I want to develop a battle strategy for you, so you can overcome the pressures that are about to be heightened.

I have plans for nations, but also individual plans for you.

Seek Me and allow Me to guide you through this wilderness time.

I am here and I am here to help, for I love you with all My heart."

~Travis Coffey~

Travis Coffey - Spiritual Articles
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